
Curry is a common Japanese dish that is made with meat, onions, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables of your preference, cooked in water and curry roux. Curry roux is a mixture of sauce, made with spices, flour, fat and other condiments. Curry roux often comes in block form, but also comes in flake type as well. Curry over rice is the most common form of eating curry in Japan.  Curry was first introduced to Japan during the Meiji era from United Kingdom. It used to be a delicacy during that era, but in the present, it is an ultimate comfort food, commonly eaten in many homes. Most popular type of curry dish in men and young boys is Katsu Curry, combination of Japanese curry and panko-breaded cutlet over rice. Curry rice is full of vitamins and minerals, proteins, and dietary fibers, as well as carbohydrates, from serving over white rice. You can call Curry rice a complete meal, as it provides necessary vitamins and minerals we need in one meal! Katsu curry can be made from chicken and beef, but most commonly used is pork. Pork provides good, lean protein, and vitamin B1 to help metabolize carbohydrates from the white rice. As panko-breaded cutlet provides an extra power to the meal, it is a perfect meal when you need an extra push to get through the day!
